The Tall Girl Returns!

An alien scowls majestically.

So, remember when I said that I was going to be extremely prompt in updating this blog? That was, apparently, a baldfaced lie. My apologies, readers.

However, the delay was for a very good reason – or rather, set of reasons.

The main one was an unexpected, wonderfully exciting occurrence… I got a job! In writing! Whilst traveling! Truly the digital nomad dream. However, doing said job in between bus trips, excursions, etc. kept me pretty busy, so I decided to delay the blog to focus on those two things.

I actually got back to the U.S. in August of 2022 (spoiler alert!), but even then, I was preoccupied with moving back up to Seattle (another spoiler!), and all of the preparations that settling in entails. And then, life happened, as it so often does, and here we are in 2024. Ah well. These posts were never meant to be breaking news, so now I can pretend that the delay was a sneaky narrative device, to turn them into retrospectives on a strange and singular time in travel history, or something like that.

Anyway, point being… I’m back in the blogosphere! And while the posts may be pretty behind schedule, my obsessive note-taking habits mean that I should, hopefully, be on a much more regular publishing schedule soon.

In the meantime, please enjoy some pictures of lovely little beasties I met on my travels as payment for my lateness.

A small cat sits on a tile floor.
The author, a women with her hair pulled back, smiles next to a gray and white kitten.
A small dog with a white body and a brown face lies on its back on a purple, brown, and green pillow.
A small, cream-colored puppy lies on its back on a person's lap.

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